June 8, 2012

Sweet Graduation! (DIY #3)

L'Art de Faire / The Art of Making it Sweet!

I apologize for not writing on my blog these past weeks, but my return home has proven to be quite tiring after a 6 months trip. It's true I've been quite busy since my last post, but today I decided to share something special. Well, two days ago was my graduation day! Yay! I finally did it! So I woke up this morning and the inspiration for this post was very clear to me. In my opinion, graduation is an important event that calls for celebration - no matter how you decide to do it. Some prefer small family gatherings with plenty of delicious food, others will opt for drinks out with friends in a cool pub. I shared an intimate lunch with my husband at a restaurant of my choice :) So for this post I decided to share a recipe of fondant graduation caps from Glorioustreats blog to decorate your own cupcake and sweeten up your graduation day! Congrats!

Photo and recipe from glorioustreats.blogspot.ca

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