June 11, 2012

There's No Place Like Home

The Art of Making a Sweet Home

I've been considering a new place to live after spending 6 years in the same house. The more I look at the ads on the internet, the more I like my current house. Okay, I know the house is old but not in a charming European way. Well, it's not huge either but it's quite spacious for my needs. To top it off, the neighborhood isn't necessarily trendy, but it's close to downtown. Yeah, I definitely think that soon I'll need to move into another place to start off a new life but for now this is still home. And, more importantly, it FEELS like home. It has the decoration I like, the souvenirs I brought from my trips, the wall color that I chose. This house brings many memories to mind: Christmas and New Years' celebrations, Mom's 60th birthday, Mery's baby shower, countless parties with friends and the list goes on. I hosted many family members and friends here in this house, and they all spent many comfortable nights beneath this roof. This is the place I missed the most while travelling abroad, and this is the home that welcomed me back in Montreal after every trip. 

I ♥ my home. 

I this cushion made for my friend's birthday, and I just thought it'd be appropriate for this post.

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