May 12, 2012

Flowers for Mothers

L'Art de Choisir des Fleurs / The Art of Choosing Flowers

Today I was on a mission to buy some flowers for Mother's Day. That's right, a Mission. What seems to be a simple action has actually turned out to be quite challenging in the end. It is so difficult to choose only one bouquet among so many beautiful  kinds of flowers. The colors, the smell, the shape, the durability, the quality, the arrangement of the vase, etc make it difficult to choose flowers for such a special person. For this reason I decided to share a few tips on how to purchase cut flowers: 

1. Buy flowers that are inside the shop, out of the sun and away from car fumes;
2. The stem ends should be green or white, and look freshly cut; 
3. The flowers should be in clear water and clean containers (except for tulips in muddy water); 
4. The leaves should not have signs of yellowing or blotching (especially for lilies and chrysanthemums) - if you are buying roses, they should not have dried bunches.
5. Ask at the shop if the flowers you want to buy open in the vase or not. If yes (e.g. roses or lilies), choose a bunch with fewest open flowers. If not (e.g. gerbera), buy the ones that are fully opened. 

It is important to be well informed when purchasing flowers, especially if you plan on keeping them for a long time. Read about flower descriptions along with detailed tips on caring for flowers at home. Ask about seasonal availability, alternative names, and other important factors before you start the pleasurable adventure of choosing the right flowers for you! 

This is a photo of the kind of orchid that I chose for my Mom. 

Credits: tips provided by the Market Fresh site. For further information about birth flowers, flower myths and origins, etc, you can visit the Market Fresh site at:

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